This is a poem that was given to us by some friends at Bailey's funeral.
It makes me cry everytime I read it but it is so comforting and so true in our situation.
I love it!
A sweet little child
at a party one day,
when toys were being given away,
discovered a broken one,
and with a smile, said:
"I'll take it.
You see, I know my Daddy
can fix anything,
and soon it will be
good as new."
And once, perhaps, in heaven one day
when bodies were being given away,
a sweet little child
discovered a broken one,
and with a smile, said"
"I'll take it.
You see, I know my Father
can fix anything,
and someday it will be
good as new."
Now we, in all our deepest grief -
in searching for that sweet relief -
are clinging to that hopeful knowledge, too.
(by: Serena DeGiulio)
This is what our sweet Bailey did. She may have come to Earth with a broken little body but her Spirit was strong and now she is with her Heavenly Father, who has fixed her broken body for her, and will be waiting for us to join them one day. She is perfect!
11 years ago